Kallie L.
What do you want to work on?
About Kallie L.
Essay Writing
Bachelors in English Language and Literature, General from Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Bachelors in Education, General from Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Career Experience
Having taught high school English for five years and transitioned into creative fiction writing in 2023, I know a thing or two about turning words into magic! My specialties are essay writing, grammatical structures, and literary analysis, but I am happy to provide assistance regarding any and all English-related matters at the secondary and collegiate level. Let's get started with making your work extraordinary!
I Love Tutoring Because
Tutoring fulfills me with the same sense of helpfulness that teaching has while also allowing for the flexibility to work one-on-one with students at a steady, comfortable pace. If I can instill just one student with a sense of accomplishment and value in their education, then I have succeeded in life.
Other Interests
Book collecting, Card collecting, Creative writing, Crocheting, Dancing, Drama, Fishing, Flower collecting and pressing, Gaming, Guitar, Hiking, Insect collecting, Lego Building, Listening to Music, Magic, Mineral collecting, Music, Origami, Reading, Record collecting, Singing, Stone collecting, Traveling, Video Gaming, Vintage Books, Watching Movies, Writing, Yoga
English - Secondary (9-12) Essay Writing

English - College English

English - College English

English - Essay Writing - College Level