
Contact & Visit

Campus Visits Contact


15 Main Street
Henniker, NH 03242



Experience College Life

Most Popular Places On Campus
Simon Center (Student Center)
Putnam Theatre
Fitness Center
Gilmore Dining Hall
John Lyons Center

Most Popular Places Off Campus
Pats Peak Ski Resort
Covered Bridge
Lakes and rivers
Main Street Concord, NH
Concord Mall
Free skiing for NEC students at Pat's Peak Ski Resort

Campus Tours

Campus Tours
Appointment Required: Yes
Dates: Year-round
Times: Varies
Average Length: 1 hour

On Campus Interview

Campus Interviews

Information Sessions

View Website

Faculty and Coach Visits

Dates/Times Available

Contact Admissions Office

Advance Notice
1 week

Contact Email Address for Visit

Class Visits

Dates/Times Available
Academic Year

Contact Admissions Office

Overnight Dorm Stays

Overnight Dorm Stays

Contact Admissions Office


Types of Transportation Available to Campus
Shuttle and Taxi. Manchester Airport (about 25 miles from campus)

Driving Instructions to Campus
Directions to the Campus (driving) From Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and points south: Take Route 91 north to exit 3 in Brattleboro, Vermont. Take Route 9 east to the Henniker/New England College exit. Take Route 114 south one-half mile to the center of campus. From eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island: Take Route 93 north to Route 89 north. Take Route 89 to exit 5 (Routes 202 and 9). Proceed on Routes 202/9 west to the Henniker/New England College exit. Take Route 114 south one-half mile to the center of campus. From points north: Take Route 89 south to exit 5 in New Hampshire (Routes 202 and 9) west to the Henniker/New England College exit. Take Route 114 south one-half mile to the center of campus.

Local Accommodations
Bow Hampton Inn 800-426-7866 603 224-5322 www.hamptoninn.com Bradford Candlelite Inn BandB 888-812-5571 603-938-5571 www.candleliteinn.com Mountain Lake Inn 800-662-6005 603-938-2136 www.mountainlakeinn.com Rosewood Country Inn 800-938-5273 603-938-5253 www.rosewoodcountryinn.com Thistle and Shamrock Inn and Restaurant 888-938-5553 603-938-5553 www.thistleandshamrock.com Concord Best Western 800-937-8376 603-228-4300 www.bestwestern.com Capital Inn 877-224-2511 603-224-2511 www.capitolinnconcord.com Centennial Inn 800-360-4839 603-227-9000 innkeeper@centennialinn.net Comfort Inn 800-424-6423 603-226-4100 www.comfortinn.com Courtyard Inn (Marriott) 800-321-2211 603-225-0303 www.courtyard.com Fairfield Inn (Marriott) 800-321-2211 603-224-4011 www.fairfieldinn.com Holiday Inn 800-465-4329 603-224-9534 www.holidayinn.com Red Roof (Rt. 106) 800-733-7663 603-225-8399 www.redroof.com Henniker Colby Hill Inn 800-531-0330 603-428-3281 www.colbyhillinn.com Henniker House BandB 866-428-3198 603-428-3198 www.hennikerhouse.com Henniker Motel 603-428-3536 www.hennikermotel.com Meeting House Inn and Restaurant 800-436-4200 603-428-3228 www.meetinghouseinn.com Hillsboro 1830 House Motel 603-478-3135 www.hillsboronh.com Bear Hill Motel 603-464-3444 Stonewall Farms B and B 603-478-1947 www.stonewallfarmbandb.com Manchester Center Of NH Holiday Inn 800-465-4329 www.6c.com Days Inn 800-325-3535 603-668-6110 www.sheraton.com Econo Lodge 800-553-2666 603-624-0111 www.econolodge.com Fairfield Inn by Marriot (Airport) (college rate and shuttle to NEC) 800-228-2800 603-625-2020 www.fairfieldinn.com/mhtfm Highlander Inn (Airport): 800-548-9248 603-625-6426 www.highlanderinn.com Howard Johnsons 800-424-6423 603-668-2600 www.howardjohnsons.com Inn at Amoskeag Falls (Ramada) 800-272-6232 603-669-2660 www.ramada.com Newbury Area Sunapee Lake Lodge, Best Western 800-606-5283 603-763-2010 www.sunapeelakelodge.com Warner Jacob's Ladder BandB 603-456-3494 www.stamp-one.com/jacobsladder
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Applicants: 6,393
Acceptance Rate: 96%
Average HS GPA: 2.85



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