Samantha C.
What do you want to work on?
About Samantha C.
Bachelors in Foreign Languages and Literatures, General from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bachelors in Graphic Design from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Career Experience
10 years working as a web developer and designer (mostly on the front end) before I made the move to teaching Japanese. Half of that time was building out features and platforms for interactive online weekly ads like searching for items, clipping coupons and making the websites user-friendly and responsive. I still do all the updates and improvements on my own website working with the Wordpress framework and using jQuery, CSS, HTML 5, PHP and other languages as needed.
I Love Tutoring Because
I like helping people. And there's nothing more fun than that moment where it all comes together.
Other Interests
Computer programming, Drawing, Foreign language learning
Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign

Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign

Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign

Technology - Computer Science - Webdesign