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About Cheryl
Bachelors in Nursing from Alfred University
Masters in Nursing from SUNY at Binghamton
Masters in Education, General from Walden University
Career Experience
I have 25 years employment as a hospital staff RN and 24 years as a nurse educator at a college. I have taught most nursing courses and am currently employed as a nurse educator in a simulation laboratory. I am familiar with the new NGN NCLEX exams for licensure for RNs and LPNs.
I Love Tutoring Because
I love tutoring because I enjoy sharing my extensive knowledge of nursing practice with nursing students and graduates. It gives me great pleasure to know that I have assisted in helping nursing students to obtain their licensure to practice as RNs and LPNs.
Other Interests
Crocheting, Knitting, Reading, Traveling, Yoga
Health Sciences - Nursing - Advanced

Health Sciences - Nursing - Advanced

Health Sciences - Nursing - Advanced

Health Sciences - Nursing - Advanced