Austin M.
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About Austin M.
Essay Writing
Bachelors in Sociology from Colorado Mesa University
Masters in Library Science, Other from Valdosta State University
Career Experience
I started my career in the human services field at a homeless shelter and then worked at a drop-in center for clients experiencing a mental health disorder or traumatic brain injury. For the past several years, I’ve worked for a public library. I went into these fields because I wanted to find ways to help others and work toward a good cause. Every day brings different questions, a variety of research needs, and wonderful people. My current position allows me to assist with research, help students and professionals find credible and authoritative information, and work on projects that involve elements of essay writing and citation. I’ve always enjoyed academia, and I became a tutor in the hopes of helping others with their education goals.
I Love Tutoring Because
I think it’s rewarding to help someone learn or discover something.
Other Interests
Guitar, Music, Snowboarding
English - Essay Writing - College Level

Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level

Async - English - Essay Writing - College Level

Rya Kikue Ysabel
Async - English - General (7-12) Essay Writing